not much news on the gardening front … the pre-spring tidy up continues
but it is still too early to do much, the weeds do seem to be starting to grow again and the bulbs I've planted are coming through so it must be spring soon. I still haven't quite got the hang of the up side down seasons here. If the weather is nice
this weekend I am going to try and plant some shallots, spring onions
and peas/mangetouts. I can’t wait! Then when mid-autumn rolls around I
am going to go nuts planting a whole lotta stuff, watch this space!
So while I wait for August, to keep me occupied and out of trouble I went to a High Tea perfection class with a friend on Sunday. If I can't garden, there is always food right!? It was held at The Inspired Pantry in Dunedin and it was great fun, lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon, and best of all we got to take home the goodies we made.

These are just some of the goodies, scones, cinnamon wheels and decorated cupcakes. Unfortunately my cupcakes had a bit of spill in the car on the way home so please be assured that they looked way better originally!!
The two ladies who ran the class were great, it makes such a difference when your teachers have a passion and enjoyment of their subject. We were taught ridiculously easy recipes for scones and meringues, I can't wait to re=try the meringues in particular. We were given tips on all sorts of decorations for cakes ... I would have gone to this class just to learn how to make the candied nuts that were used as a decoration topping, mmmmmmmm! I also took away the fact that I now want a kitchen-aid mixer, damn and I only just had my birthday!
I'll be back for more of these classes I think ... anyone fancy the breadmaking?
I think this is the first class I have been too since uni days, but next weekend I'm straight in to another one, a rose-pruning workshop ... we inherited a lot of roses when we bought the house and beyond knowing that roses need pruning, I am clueless. So on Sunday, husband and I are off to learn how to prune at the Dunedin Botanic gardens, it will be such a wonderful place to learn how. I think after that my transition from a relatively youthful person to little old lady will finally be complete! Ha :)
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