Wednesday, 24 July 2013

High Tea Perfection

Still not much news on the gardening front … the pre-spring tidy up continues but it is still too early to do much, the weeds do seem to be starting to grow again and the bulbs I've planted are coming through so it must be spring soon.  I still haven't quite got the hang of the up side down seasons here.  If the weather is nice this weekend I am going to try and plant some shallots, spring onions and peas/mangetouts.  I can’t wait!  Then when mid-autumn rolls around I am going to go nuts planting a whole lotta stuff, watch this space!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Messing with the natural order of the Universe

Well in my last blog post I was wishing for Spring, and for a few glorious days it looked like I got my wish, so much so that I was a bit worried that I had messed with the natural order of things!  The sun was shining, it was warm enough to brunch outside without a coat and one of my roses is flowering, whoops, hang on, I’m not that ready for Spring after all!  It’s OK though the big duvet was back on the bed last night and it is back to being rather chilly, still got some beautiful blue skies though.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Hurry up Spring – Recovering from the wild weather

I miss lettuce. I’ve spoilt myself for supermarket lettuce, I bought a couple of bags after it got too cold to grow in the garden and didn’t like it, it just smelled weird. The broccoli has been fantastic but I miss lettuce in my sandwiches and summer salads … hurry up Spring!!

Monster broccoli, my pride and joy!