Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Glut recipes - Tomatoes

Tomato season is well and truly here, I've cleared out some space in the freezer to prepare for the tubs of sauce that will be taking up residence soon.  The damp start to summer and the fact that I may have slightly over-crowded the greenhouse has caused a few issues of the fungal variety but I think I've caught it in time and the fruit production doesn't seem to be affected, fingers crossed!  
The harvest in just one day, delish!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Glut recipes - broad beans and spring onions

The broad beans and spring onions have got to be my success story for the year ... at least so far.  I was expecting to have loads of the beans for the freezer but I've been throwing them in everything since husband decided he likes them after all! They've gone in salads, stir fries and pastas, so have the spring onions.
Glorious fresh goodies from the garden